Building Successful Communities of Practice

Emily Webber


About the talk

Have you ever worked in an organisation where you were disconnected from other people with similar roles or passions? If unchecked, agile working and multidisciplinary teams can silo organisations by teams, programmes and functions. These silos lead to duplication of work, pockets of knowledge, unrealised capability potential; even worse, it cuts people off from their support network. Our organisations are scaling, structures are flattening, workforces are increasingly fluid, and the future or where we work isn’t set. Connecting people and breaking down silos is more critical now than ever - this is where communities of practice come in. Communities of practice bring people together who share common challenges and interests, connecting them to create something more significant than the people within it. In this session, Emily Webber will draw from her experiences and research to share the benefits of communities of practice, the pitfalls and advice.

Emily Webber

Consulente e coach agile/lean come Tacit, con un focus sullo sviluppo agile e sull'apprendimento nelle organizzazioni. Ero il Capo della Consegna Agile presso il Government Digital Service (GDS), dove precedentemente ricoprivo il ruolo di responsabile del portafoglio agile e di responsabile della consegna dei programmi. Prima, ho lavorato come responsabile della consegna software agile/progetto agile per diversi anni, oltre a essere stata produttore di eventi e studentessa di arte.