Two futures in exchange for one
Davide Tarasconi
About the talk
He is involved in web and mobile development, both as a programmer and as a designer. He has managed projects and teams, both as a project manager and as a product manager. He has worked in small, medium, and large national and international companies. Today, he is a consultant focusing on facilitation, training, coaching, and mentoring on agile practices. His goal is to improve how companies organize their projects, products, and services and help the teams developing them to become more autonomous.

Davide Tarasconi
Si occupa di sviluppo web e mobile, sia come programmatore che come progettista. Ha gestito progetti e team, come project manager e come product manager. Ha lavorato in piccole, medie e grandi aziende, nazionali e internazionali. Oggi è un consulente e si occupa di facilitazione, formazione, coaching e mentoring su pratiche agili. Il suo scopo è migliorare il modo in cui le aziende organizzano i propri progetti, prodotti e servizi e aiutare i team che li sviluppano ad essere più autonomi.