Make Meaningful Work - The Sparkle Studio Show
Daniel Szuc e Josephine Wong
About the talk
We are living in an unprecedented turbulent time. 20th century legacy like hierarchy, bureaucracy, risk aversion and processes for the sake of processes can result in real barriers to continuous improvement and in some cases toxic cultures. This is compounded by how we now lead hybrid teams and remote work, change management and transformation, employee experience and wellness, attracting and retaining talent and a global rise in social injustices. A large number of employees globally state that the pandemic experience has driven and resulted in deeper reflection on purpose in both life and work. And many are reconsidering the kind of work they do. Lifelong learning and adaptability are critical skills to face this crisis of identity and frictions of values, and they can only be built in cultures created to open all our minds to different perspectives, encourage curiosity and record practices from our work experiences. Remaking and improving the culture of a team or organization is complex. It requires authentic values-based leadership, trust, quality communication, engagement and a measurable strategic plan. While managers as leaders need to remember that their critical role is to guide and mentor people to drive both team performance and give people a sense of purpose related to the culture’s values, fulfillment and success, teams and various disciplines like designers, can also have an active and mandatory role in shaping the organizational culture. We have identified 10 critical behavioural outcomes individuals and teams need to be aware of in order to have an increased chance of a successful cultural transformation as we distinguish between the “work mode” and “reflective practice mode”. You will have an opportunity to experience the “reflective practice mode” in the Make Meaningful Work (MMW) Sparkle Studio. So join us in the MMW Sparkle Studio in covering this topic as supported by tools including “Practice Spotting(™)” and instruments from the “MMW Guided Practice Journal” from our Make Meaningful Work book to provide you with real practices you can apply and implement immediately into your own cultures at your workplaces.
Daniel Szuc e Josephine Wong
Dan è uno dei co-fondatori e principali dirigenti di Apogee, nonché co-fondatore di Make Meaningful Work e di UX Hong Kong. Ha esperienza nel campo dell'UX da oltre 20 anni e risiede a Hong Kong da altrettanto tempo. Dan ha tenuto conferenze in tutto il mondo sull'argomento del design centrato sull'utente. È coautore di tre libri, tra cui "Global UX" con Whitney Quesenbery, "The Usability Kit" con Gerry Gaffney e "Make Meaningful Work" con Josephine Wong. Jo è anch'essa co-fondatrice e principale dirigente di Apogee, nonché co-fondatrice di Make Meaningful Work e di UX Hong Kong. Jo è cresciuta nella multiculturalità di Hong Kong, con un padre cino-birmano e una madre cino-indonesiana. Collabora con team globali conducendo ricerche in cantonese, mandarino e inglese. Jo è appassionata dell'ambiente, dei sistemi politici ed economici e di come possiamo condurre vite più sane e felici senza incidere negativamente sulle persone meno fortunate. Ha co-scritto il libro "Make Meaningful Work" insieme a Daniel Szuc.